Hi there 👋

My name is Vibhakar “gala” Solanki, and I’m a software engineer. I’m in my final year of B.Tech degree.

I’m passionate about building scalable, reliable, and performant systems.
Interested in Machine Learning, distributed systems, and web dev. and currently learning about Rust and maintaining Battlefield Portal Community .
I am also doing freelacing work.

Open Source Is Easy

Huh, a resume ? That’s easy, bro ? Famous last words ty mend.io for this awesome pic As I am in the final year of college, I set out to build a resume , Going into it, I thought it is going to be an easy journey. I was So Wrong There is a lot that goes into building a good and effective resume… but that’s a story for another day....

July 17, 2023 Â· 7 min Â· 1292 words Â· Vibhakar "Gala" Solanki

Adventures With Docker Multistage Build

I thought damm a lot of users must have uploaded content only to find out that the docker images were taking up all the space, This week I dived into the fascinating world of multi-stage docker build The Problem In https://bfportal.gg i use a relatively simple stack, #wagtail (a cms that runs on #django ) + #docker + #tailwind . Then one day I woke up to an alert on #datadog that almost all of the disk space on the VPS has been used,...

July 11, 2023 Â· 6 min Â· 1147 words Â· Vibhakar "Gala" Solanki

Hello World

Hello World This is the start of my blog, I’ve been using Hugo a lot for portal-docs , and i absolutely love it :).

July 11, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 24 words Â· Vibhakar "Gala" Solanki